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Mr. Michael Siva

Family Office, Atman Group (Pvt) Ltd

An experienced Financial professional, Michael holds a MBA from the University of West London and is a Fellow member of CIMA (UK), associate member of the ACCA (UK) and member of CPA (Australia). Over the years, he has gained exposure across multiple industries giving him a rich experience to advise high net worth individuals on private equity and other asset classes.

Michael currently heads the finance and investment divisions for Atman Group (Pvt) Ltd, a family office based in Colombo that has investments across agriculture, renewable energy, real estate, hotels, restaurants and seafood processing. The investments include regionally popular brands such as Ministry of Crab and Taprobane Seafoods.

Being part of the family office for the last 7 years, Michael advises on a broad spectrum from valuations, due diligences, mergers and acquisitions to deal structuring and treasury. Has helped the family office to diversify the portfolio and expand across the region to countries such as Maldives, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Michael is also member of the Sector Committee for Finance and Capital at the Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka advocating policy framework for building a dynamic capital industry for the Sri Lankan economy.